Welcome to the personal homepage of Dr. N. Asger Mortensen

Professor & D-IAS Chair of Physics

DNRF Center of Excellence Leader


[PhD tree] [Publications] [arXiv] [Google scholar] [D-IAS] [POLIMA]

Brief biography:

I was in 2017 called by the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) to become a full professor and a D-IAS Chair at the Danish Institute for Advanced Study. Prior to that I was a full professor at the Technical University of Denmark (faculty since 2004). My MSc (1998), PhD (2001), and Dr. Techn. (2006) academic degrees were awarded by the Technical University of Denmark, while my Dr. Scient. (2021) degree was obtained from University of Copenhagen.

My research focus is on complex wave phenomena and light-matter interactions in artificially structured materials. In particular, I am interested in situations where classical electrodynamics is interfacing regimes with quantum physics [see recent review in Nanophotonics 10, 2563 (2021)]. The list of past and present research topics includes quantum electron transport in mesoscopic systems, photonic bandgap & microstructured optical fibers, nanofluidics & optofluidics, nanophotonics & slow-light photonic crystals, metamaterials, and nanoplasmonics.

I am currently scientific director leading explorations of polariton phenomena within the DNRF Center of Excellence POLIMA.

Personal data:

Education & Academic degrees [ PhD family tree ]:

Miscellaneous training:

Academic appointments:

R&D experience:

CoE affiliations & group-leader positions:

Visting Scientist affiliations:

Honors & awards:

Major research grants, principal investigator:

Other research grants, principal investigator:

Centers of Excellence grants, co-applicant and key-investigator:

Research grants, co-applicant:

Miscellaneous grants (equipment, computing, workshops etc.):

Memberships (international):

Memberships (national):

Conference & meeting activities:

Editorial work:

Peer-review journal referee for APS, OSA, ACS, AIP, IOP, IEEE, EOS, SPIE, AAAS, NPG, Elsevier, Springer & Wiley journals, including [see also publons.com/a/483924/]:

Mentoring of postdoctoral researchers:

Supervision of PhD theses:

Review of PhD theses (international committee appointments and remote reviews):

Review of PhD theses (national committee appointments):

Chairman of PhD review committees:

Review of habilitation theses (committee appointments):

Grant-proposal reviews (committee appointments):

Grant-proposal reviews (ad hoc services & assignments):